Acne Scar Removal
Proving Treatment in St. Petersburg & Clearwater
In this video Dr. Kass discusses his approach on treating Acne Scars. This multi-modality approach involves multiple treatments such as subcisions, fillers and deep facial resurfacing
Ready to treat acne scars in St. Petersburg & Clearwater? Our cosmetic professionals can help reduce the appearance of acne scars at our plastic surgery clinic. Read more to learn about your treatment options and how we achieve results.
Acne Overview
Acne is a skin condition which occurs when oil secretions and dead cells block the skin’s pores. In severe cases, hundreds of pimples or larger, painful, red lumps may cover the face, neck, chest, and back.
Acne is most common in the young, and it is said that this disease afflicts 80% of all teenagers. Unfortunately, even as hormone levels stabilize and patients pass into their 20’s, 30’s and beyond, acne breakouts still occur. This happens more often in women, usually just before menstruation. The treatments for adult patients experiencing active acne breakouts are diverse; but it is crucially important to try to prevent the breakouts in order to reduce the chances for developing acne scars, the dreaded complication of this disease.
About Acne Scars
Acne scars may be described as ice pick, boxcar (larger but shallower) and rolling. Many patients with acne have a combination of all three. No matter which type is present, the scars are often deep, and may be a cause of great embarrassment and even depression for those who have it.
The good news is that there are now great acne treatments in St. Petersburg & Clearwater for this problem. Unlike what you may read elsewhere, there is no magic cure. The optimal treatment of acne scars requires selecting a physician who is willing to apply a multi-modality approach specifically designed to address your individual needs. The treatment of acne scars is never as easy as made out to be by some laser companies and some less than scrupulous practitioners. Specifically, we at the Tampa Bay Cosmetic Surgery Center emphasize that there is no simple “cookie-cutter” approach and the right treatment is the treatment specifically designed for you. Dr. Kass believes that the question is not which laser should be used, but instead what combination of different treatments is best for you.
The treatments he uses for acne scar surgery in St. Petersburg & Clearwater include, but are not limited to: punch excision of deep ice pick scars, deep but graded facial resurfacing with various lasers and chemical peels, including our very own unique Hetter Facial Resurfacing Procedure, subcision for rolling scars to break up the tethering to the subcutaneous tissues, TCA CROSS, microneedling, PRP (platelet rich plasma) injection, and introduction of permanent fillers to raise the scars to the level of the surrounding skin. For many of these treatments, the goal is to raise the scar before resurfacing, like filling in a pothole on the road prior to resurfacing that road.
If you are a St. Petersburg & Clearwater patient that is suffering from acne scars, why wait any longer to seek treatment? Why be embarrassed or depressed by a condition which is no fault of your own and for which there are such excellent treatments available today? Please call us today to see what we can do to help you. We know you will be glad that you did!
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